Support Anattasati Magga with Time, Money, Goods, or Services:
The Sangha has a few goals you can help us meet. Your donation, no matter the size, can help us meet them. All donations are tax-deductible.
To make a donation through the mail: please print, fill out, and mail the donation form along with your donation to the address on the form. You may also bring your cash or check donation to the Meditation Hall along with this form and place it in the Dana bowl.
Other Donations
If you would like to help the Sangha in other ways, there are several skills and goods that are on our wish list. Perhaps you could spend a few hours landscaping the grounds. Please contact us by email if you’re interested in contributing any of the following:
- Marketing
- Fundraising
- Carpentry
- Tree surgeons
- Electrician
- Plumbing
- Mortar repair
- House painting
- Computer technicians
- Landscaping/gardening
And what is the treasure of generosity? There is the case of the disciple of the noble ones, his/her awareness cleansed of the stain of stinginess, living at home, freely generous, openhanded, delighting in being magnanimous, responsive to requests, delighting in the distribution of alms. This is called the treasure of generosity.
Anguttara Nikaya, Dhana Sutta