Women in Buddhism
Buddhist Ethics
- Buddhist Resources on Vegetarianism and Animal Welfare
- Good and Evil in Buddhism: Article by Bhikkhu P.A. Payutto
Death and Dying
- The Tibetan Book of the Dead: An Adaptation for Reading Aloud the the Dead
- Death And Dying in the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition
- Dying to Live: Role of Kamma in Dying and Rebirth: An online book in pdf format
- Reflections on Death and Dying, Buddhist Hospice Directory, HIV/AIDS Projects
- The Spiritual Needs of the Dying: A Buddhist Perspective
- The Teaching of Phowa (Transference of Consciousness at the Time of Death)
- Zen Caregiving
Simply Dying Resources:
- Center for End of Life Transitions
- Carolina Memorial Sanctuary
- Funeral Consumers Alliance
- Memorial Ecosystems
- North American Woodland Burial
- On Our Own Terms – Bill Moyers on Dying
- Casket Gallery
Retreat and Practice Centers
- Gampo Abbey, A Tibetan Buddhist Monastery of the Kagyu Lineage, Nova Scotia
- Shasta Abbey Monastery
- Spirit Rock Meditation Center
- The Zen Studies Society
- Southern Dharma Retreat Center
- Upaya Zen Center
Selected Online Journals
- Journal of Global Buddhism
- Journal of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives: Articles about the traditions of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives, to which Jiyu Kennett belonged and which is the practice at Shasta Abbey, where Nancy Spence trained.
- Still Point Dharma Talks
- Tricycle: The Buddhist Review
- WAiB: Periodicals & audio visual resources
- Daily Words of the Buddha: Subscribe to receive a daily dharma message
Searchable Databases
- Books On-line: Call Numbers Starting With BQ: A collection of Online Buddhist texts
- Index of Similes
Anattasati Magga: Roots
The links below contain information about ancestors who influenced Anattasati Magga Sangha and its Soto Zen lineage. Nancy Spence, the sangha’s spiritual guide, considers Roshi Dupont of Vichara Bodhiyana in Greeley Hill, CA, her root teacher. He studied with Nyogen Senzaki who was a student of Soyen Shaku’s. Nyogen Senzaki and Soyen Shaku were among the original monks to bring Buddhism to the United States. Nancy completed her lay priest training at Shasta Abbey where Jiyu Kennett was then Abbess.
- Dharma Heirs and Teachers of the Hakuin School
- Important Names in the History of Zen in America
- The Last Statement of Nyogen Senzaki
The Dharma: miscellaneous information
- Number Symbolism
- The Basic Teaching of Buddha
- The Buddha’s Ten Indeterminate Questions
- The Religion of the Samurai Index
- For Children
- Vows
Reference Sources
- Buddhism A to Z: An online alphabetical explanation of Buddhist terms
- Glossary of Zen and Buddhism: From An Introduction To Zen Thought, an ebook by George Richard Yool
- Internet Sacred Text Archive
- Zen People & Teachings – Pt 1.
Information Gateways