Meditation Opportunities
Meditation is a time-tested practice of focus and awareness which can lead to experiences beyond ordinary consciousness, including serenity, clarity, and compassion.
Daily Recitation:
Blessings of love and respect we offer to all in times past and present who have opened the doors of wisdom, reuniting all beings with their intrinsic purity.
Weekly Meditation Schedule
Each Sunday of the month from 10:00am – 12:00pm (Eastern Time), Anattasati Magga offers Buddhist services in-person and via the Zoom platform. Each service includes: 30-minute meditation, recitation, and Dharma teaching.
1st Sunday: Morning Service
Daily Recitation, Meditation, Sandokai, Prajna Paramita Hridaya, Ancestral Lineage (Shasta Abbey), Dharma teaching
2nd Sunday: Dogen’s Rules for Meditation Service
Dogen’s Rules for Meditation, Meditation, Dharma teaching
3rd Sunday: Puja Service
Puja and Women’s Lineage, Meditation, Dharma teaching
4th Sunday: Vespers Service
Meditation, Vespers, Dharma teaching
5th Sunday: Short Morning Service
Daily Recitation, Meditation, Dharma teaching
A Services Booklet with details of each service is available on our website. Click HERE to be taken to the Sunday Services page. Each Service is printable.
With in-person Services, the Guest Master will provide guests with a Services Booklet and indicate which service will be offered. The Guest Master will also guide guests to a meditation place and assist in set up. We have zafus, kneelers, chairs, and benches.